Monday, November 14, 2016


You are no accident.
Before the beginning of time, God knew you. He knew everything about you and He loved you. He loved you with the same fierce, unconditional, perfect love that He does at this moment. He saw you and He saw the life that you were destined to have.

God, who spoke the brilliant stars into being, has a purpose for your life. He didn’t just make you. He didn’t just save you. He doesn’t just love you. He chose you.

He chose you to fulfill a certain destiny on this earth. For the future, that might look like being a missionary, a dancer, a sports player, a worship leader, an attorney, a filmmaker, a surgeon, a professor, a writer, or a stay-at-home parent. But what about the present? What if God created us for this certain time to love and encourage a certain friend, to change a school campus for His glory, to honor Him through our studies? He has chosen us, but not only for our future. He has chosen us to honor Him right now.

So that means the responsibilities we regard as mundane or unimportant are not accidents. Because God has perfectly positioned us exactly where we are, everything becomes meaningful. God doesn’t just see the big picture. He sees each detail every step of the way and He considers everything you’re doing to be significant.

You are chosen to be in the family, the school, and the classes you are in right now. There are always people who God wants you to reach, wherever you are.

You don’t have to be good enough to do what God has chosen you to do. Most of the time, you’ll feel too insignificant or too incapable. But God never stops believing in you, even when you or other people around you doubt the destiny He has for you. He knows what a HUGE difference you can make when you fully and completely rely on Him and when you trust that He has an amazing purpose for your life. He has an amazing purpose for you today.

McKenna and I were talking about this very topic a few days ago and I loved what she said:

God chooses us every day! And it’s so cool that He chooses us rather than picking us. I don’t know if you’ve ever thought about this before…but there’s a very subtle difference between being “picked” and being “chosen”…

When you think about it, to “pick” someone would be to say, “this is what I want you to do”, whereas to “choose” someone would be more like saying, “this is what you were made to do, and I don’t know of any other person who could do better”. And that’s exactly what God says to us-everyday.

I choose you today because there is no other person on this earth--present, past, or future--who will ever be able to fulfill the purpose I created you to fill.
You see, God’s purpose for your life is special. Never doubt that God has an amazing destiny for you no matter who you are, what your circumstances are, or what others have told you about yourself. You are special to God, you are loved by Him, and you are chosen by Him to advance His kingdom on this earth.

Friday, November 4, 2016

In the Waiting

     Wait. That is not a word we typically enjoy hearing. In an age where faster is better and everything is made accessible through technology, getting "NO" for an answer sometimes seems even better than "wait". 

     Yet isn't it obvious that this is one of God's favorite answers to give us... Wait
     In my own life, I feel like I've been in a season of waiting for a little while now. I've watched my friends and family start all kinds of new seasons of life: I have friends going on mission trips to places like Haiti and Thailand, friends who've just started the high school journey and friends who are now nearing graduation... and then here I am, living what feels like the daily routine of school, dance, family, friends, school, dance, family, friends. Not to say that I don't love my life- I do!- and I am very grateful! But, in the waiting, God has definitely been showing me some very special things that have encouraged me and reassured me of His Presence and constant involvement in my life...

1. Waiting is an Action
     When I looked up the definition of waiting, these are some of the things that came up...

           to be available or in readiness for
           to look forward to eagerly
           to continue as one is in expectation of; await
           to be reserved for

     Waiting for God doesn't literally mean waiting for God, if you get what I mean. Waiting for God is not sitting around and hoping that He'll show up sometime soon. Waiting for God is a state of being watchful and expectant for Him to move. It's being on edge, knowing that something great is about to happen. 

     One picture that God always brings to my mind when I'm working on waiting, is the picture of the almond tree, one that my Bible teacher at school pointed out to me (Love you Mrs. Dormann!). The almond tree is barren all winter, but it's also the first to bloom in the spring. And the cool thing is that the original Hebrew word for "almond" is actually the same Hebrew word for "waiting". 

     Like the almond tree, God wants us to be barren and naked before Him, with branches stretching heaven-ward as we expectantly wait for Him to come and allow us to blossom in His presence.

2. Waiting is a time of Preparation 
     Another thing we have to remember about waiting, which I am always reminding myself, is that it's not a time to be passive, but to prepare. After all, the whole reason God normally tells us to wait, is because we're not ready for what's coming. So, when we are in the waiting, we should be focused on taking time to grow ourselves and our relationship with God in order to fully equip ourselves for the great things that He has coming for us. 

3. God Loves to be in the Waiting 
     This is my favorite part of waiting- the fact that God waits with me. And one song that spoke this to me more than ever was "Take Courage" by Kristene Dimarco from Bethel Music...

Slow down take time
Breathe in He said
He'll reveal what's to come 

The thoughts in his mind
Always higher than mine
He'll reveal all to come

So take courage my heart
Stay steadfast my soul
He's in the waiting 
He's in the waiting
Hold on to your hope 
As your triumph unfolds
He's never failing
He's never failing

Sing praise my soul
Find strength in joy
Let His words lead you on

Do not forget 
His great faithfulness
He'll finish what He's begun 

And You who hold the stars
Who call them each by name
Will surely keep your promise to me
That I will rise in your victory 

     ...I just love that SO MUCH! I can take courage and stay steadfast because He IS in the waiting and He WILL fulfill His promises to me! 

     So no matter what you may be waiting for- whether it's a better grade in your math class or a HUGE miracle in your family- take courage and enjoy every single moment you get to spend in the waiting with God! He loves you so much and He's never going to let you down.

"...being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will 
carry it on until the day of completion in Christ Jesus."
~ Philippians 1:6