Name: Madison Paige
Age/Grade: 16 years old, 11th grade
School/fav subject/least fav subject: My favorite subject is English! And my least favorite is Math ;-;
Favorite Color: The RAINBOW! xD
Favorite Book: The Maze Runner Series!
Favorite Movie: (Difficult Question!!!) Big Hero 6
Favorite Quote: "Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken."
Favorite Song: Too many to write down :)
Favorite Bible Verse: "Arise, Jerusalem! Let your light shine for all to see. For the glory of the Lord rises to shine on you." Isaiah 60:1
This verse was shown to me during a time in my life when there was a lot of pressure on me. It inspired me to be myself and show others the love of God by "shining my light".
Favorite food: Anything gluten-free I guess I should say! Ever since I found out I was severely allergic to gluten, life has been tough! But I really love Mexican food. It makes my heart and soul happy, and it tends to make me feel better about life :) <3
Something goofy about yourself: When I am in public restrooms, I HAVE to plug my ears when I flush the toilet. Ever since I was a child toilets have been somehow ... too loud for my ears? LOL! If I don't plug my ears, the sound really genuinely scares me. Wow... so embarrassing.
Three fun things you LOVE: Fashion, Japanese culture, News magazines
Bad habit: Nail biting ;-;
Three things you’re thankful for: My family, My friends, and that I was born into a healthy Christian home.
Something silly you do only when you are with those you are closest to (like family): Have Random dance parties in the middle of the night!
Something special about you that sets you apart: I am able to take a group of people and lead them and get things done.
Something on your bucket list: Go to London, England! It's such a beautiful place! Imagine being able to tour Buckingham Palace!!
The scariest thing you’ve had to do: Audition for a show in front of about 50 other girls! It was terrifying!
Something you love about your family: That we are all united and close! I am very thankful that I am close to my family and we feel safe around each other.
Someone you admire and why: My mom. She has had severe insomnia for 16 years... and yet through all of that she has never decided to "take a break" from being my mom. She takes care of me through her sickness and it's very inspiring.
One of your major pet peeves: When people SING TO MUSIC IN THE CAR! I don't know why! But I guess I feel it just ruins the song!
Obsession: CALENDARS. I have a customized calendar that has my name on the cover and I use it EVERY. DAY. My whole life needs to be planned out at all times! LOL!
Obsession: CALENDARS. I have a customized calendar that has my name on the cover and I use it EVERY. DAY. My whole life needs to be planned out at all times! LOL!
How many kids you envision having: As many as possible! Children are a joy, and I can't wait to dress up and take care of little bundles of joy! <3
If you could do one thing to change the world right now, what would it be: Give every single person/ family a warm home to live in! There are too many families across the world that do not have a safe home to live in and it makes me super sad.
Something silly/embarrassing you remember doing as a little kid: Telling adults what weird and crazy dreams I have had in my lifetime (and I've had some really embarrassing dreams)
Little Note from Maddie: I cannot wait to share my posts with all of you guys! Hannah and McKenna are my BFF's and we are so excited to encourage and share our writings with you! Don't forget to check out my personal blog by clicking here ! Hugs! xo
I love that your favorite food is "anything gluten-free" amazing lol!
ReplyDeleteMy dad was reading this, Madds, and he was cracking up about the fact that you plug your ears when you flush the toilet! haha! He thought that was hilarious! He was like, "That IS weird!"
ReplyDeleteMaddie-I love how your pet peeve is when people sing in the car!! You probably wouldn't like driving somewhere with me! Haha!