Age/Grade: I’m 15 years old and I’m in 10th
School/fav subject/least fav subject: I’m homeschooled but
my family and I do a homeschooling program called Classical Conversations. We have a class-day
every Friday and we get a ton of homework to complete during the rest of the
week. My favorite subject is Literature and Writing. My least favorite would be Latin. No need to say
why. Haha!
Favorite Color: Blue.
Favorite Book: Do Hard
Things by Alex and Brett Harris, The
Bronze Bow and The Witch of Blackbird
Pond by Elizabeth George Speare, To
Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Through
Gates of Splendor by Elisabeth Elliot, and all the Narnia books by C.S
Favorite Movie: The
Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. I always joke that I grew up in Narnia
and I have a fake British accent to prove it!
Favorite Quote: “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep
to gain that which he cannot lose.” –Jim Elliot. I LOVE the Elliot’s story!!
This quote sums up Jim Elliot’s life mission and it inspires me so much!
Favorite Song: OOH this is an extremely tough one! I have so
many favorites but I would have to say "Ever Be" by Bethel Music.
Favorite Bible Verse: Can I say that I love ALL the verses
in the Bible?? Haha but if I had to pick I would say Isaiah 40:28-31, Psalm
23:1, Jeremiah 29:11, or James 4:7-8
Favorite food: A year ago I would have answered, “Anything
that involves bread or pasta” but ever since I became gluten-free because of
severe joint pain (believe it or not, removing gluten from my diet REALLY and
COMPLETELY took away my pain!)…I can’t eat the bread or pastas I used to eat. If made with
gluten-free soy sauce (yes, there is gluten in soy sauce) I LOVE Chinese
Something that grosses you out: SPIDERS. Especially the giant ones with the eight-million eyes.
Something that grosses you out: SPIDERS. Especially the giant ones with the eight-million eyes.
Something goofy about yourself: I like the smell of wood,
dry-erase markers, and hand sanitizer.
Three things you love: reading, writing, dancing
Bad habit: Interrupting…I tend to forget that somebody else
is talking when something exciting pops into my mind. It’s a TERRIBLE habit
that I need to break!!
Three things you’re thankful for: God and His unconditional
love for me, my amazing family and friends, my youth group!
Something you do only when you are with those you are
closest to: Sing! Loud and proud! HAHA! I do NOT sing in public and it’s
something I only do with my family.
Morning or night person: After the initial struggle to get
out of bed, I do pretty well in the morning. I love the mornings when it’s just
getting light and when I can get some work done before the rest of my siblings
wake up.
Something on your bucket list: To write a book! I LOVE
writing and I’ve always wanted to publish my own book!
The scariest thing you’ve had to do: Dance a ballet solo en
pointe for my recital. It was also one of the most exciting things I’ve done,
but boy, was I scared beforehand!
Something you love about your family: I love that we guard
our family-time. We make an intentional effort to get together and spend
quality time together whether we’re watching a family TV show or playing a
board game together.
Someone you admire and why: BESIDES my parents and my
siblings and my friends, I really admire Meghan Johnson. She’s one of the
leaders in our youth group and I love her so much! She always has a smile on
her face and she’s always reaching out to me! She has prayed multiple times for
me and every time I’m amazed at her gift of discernment and intercession. Thank
you Mrs. Meghan, for being who you are to me!!
One of your major pet peeves: When people smack or slurp
their food at the table.
How many kids you envision yourself having: I’ll have as
many kids as God tells me to! But I’d want to have at least three I
think…probably more!
What would you do if you could do one thing to change the world right now: I’d give everyone-and I mean everyone-a chance to hear about
God’s gift of salvation for us and I’d give everyone a chance to hear these
words, “God loves you.”
Obsession: CHILDREN. I love watching kids just be kids! I
love when they say the craziest, cutest things!!
Something you can’t do but you wish you could: I wish I
could act. I’ll look back on old movies my siblings and I had made when we were
younger and I can only laugh at my terrible acting! I would never ever make it
in the filming world!
Something you love about your parents: Wow. I love sooo many
things about my parents but something that first pops into mind is their undying
devotion to the Lord and to each other. They LOVE to laugh and they inspire me
in so many ways. I hope that I grow up seeking the Lord like they do. I
couldn’t ask for greater parents!!!
To write and publish a book is like number one on my bucket list too!
ReplyDeleteTo write and publish a book is like number one on my bucket list too!
ReplyDeleteAww that's awesome, Candace!! We could co-author a book one day! :)