Monday, September 5, 2016

"Remember This"

    With school just starting up, and schedules beginning to leap into full swing again, it’s so easy to get lost in the business of life. And let’s face it- our lives as teenagers ARE some of the busiest lives out there! From long hours at school, to extracurricular activities, to late-night homework, to spending time with friends, to family commitments, to everyday routines, to unexpected events... the list just seems to go on and on and it can be very easy to get caught up in the business of life and miss out on what matters most. Often times, we try to train our minds to think three steps ahead of us in order to manage our life and chaotic schedule. But sometimes, you just have to “let go and let God”... We have to release ourselves from the pressures of life and just rest in God’s presence, enjoying each moment He’s given us. 

    It was on an early Monday morning that I was gently reminded of this fact. For me, my quiet times with Jesus take place bright and early (or dark and early I guess I should say) at 5:30 in the morning before school. My alarm goes off, I struggle to get out of the bed then blindly stagger into the kitchen, fix myself a cup of espresso, and shuffle back into my room, where I turn on my light by my bed and pull out my Bible. However, before I even open up the pages, I’m already beginning to mentally remind myself of the many “don’t forgets” of the day that I have to keep up with: McKenna, don’t forget to put your math homework in your binder! McKenna, don’t forget you have to switch your books over to your other backpack! McKenna, don’t forget to pack up all your dance stuff because we’re going straight there after school today! ...You get the idea. And it can be very challenging to focus on God with all those thoughts racing through my mind. So, I first always have to ask God to clear my head and quiet down my heart in order to hear and receive what He has waiting for me in that specific moment. And here is what I was reminded of that morning as I read through The Word:

"What is mankind that you make so much of them, that you give them so much 
attention, that you examine them every morning and test them every moment?
Will you never look away from me or let me alone even for an instant?"
~ Job 7:17-19

    Who are we, feeble human beings, that God pays so much attention to us? Who are we with our busy schedules and crazy lives that God cares so deeply about us? Even though we don’t always put God first in the business of our lives, He never stops putting us first in His. And just as much as we fill our own heads with our list of “don’t forgets”, He is constantly trying to fill our hearts with His list of “remember this”... McKenna, remember that you are my beloved daughter and I never stop thinking about you. McKenna, remember that I will never leave you or forsake you as you walk through this day, and that the plans I have in store for you are GREAT! McKenna, remember that I have not given you a spirit of fear, but have clothed you in my righteousness. McKenna, remember that I will give you the desires of your heart- all you have to do is ask. McKenna, remember that I love you with and everlasting love, and nothing you will ever do could take that love away. These are just some of the things that God whispers to his children on a daily basis. We just have to have the heart to listen. 

    So, the next time you are feeling overwhelmed by your crazy schedule and the pressures of life, I encourage you to lean into the one who knows you even better than you know yourself. :) Talk to God, and more importantly, listen to what he has to say. And as you go through your day, live in the moment and look for the many blessings that He’s surrounded you with. Maybe it’s a hug from a friend, a beautiful sunrise, an encouraging scripture, or a joke that makes you laugh until you about pee in your pants! Whatever it is, God specifically placed it there for YOU- because that’s how much He cares. 

    I close with these words from Sarah Young’s “Jesus Calling” (picture God speaking this to YOU):

"I am all around you, hovering over you even as you seek My Face. I am nearer than you dare believe, closer than the air you breathe. If My children could only recognize My Presence, they would never feel lonely again. I know every thought before you think it, every word before you speak it. My Presence impinged on your innermost being. Can you see the absurdity of trying to hide anything from Me? You can easily deceive other people, and even yourself; but I read you like an open, large-print book... Be blessed by my intimate nearness. Since I live in you, let Me also live through you, shining My Light into the darkness."


  1. Go Kenna!!!!!! Love this <3


  2. Beautifully written, inspiring, and heartfelt. And great reminders,too! I am so proud to be your mom:) Keep those words coming - you have a gift!

  3. Thanks mommy :) Love you so much!

  4. I love this one, McKenna! It's so encouraging and your message has stuck with me since the first time I heard it!

  5. Go Kenna! this is really awesome, proud of you.
    Mrs. brown

  6. Love this! So grateful you know this reality, His reality....keep it up - being 'still' with Him - & you will keep shining bright with His love, peace & compassion. Love, prayers & appreciation for you ๐Ÿ’œ Mrs. Weathington ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. "even though we don't always remember to put God first in the business of our lives, He never stops putting us first in His." Beautiful. Bravo..well said.

  8. Here you go again, my sweet out God's Word...
    "12 Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity." 1 Timothy 4:12 ESV

  9. That is AWESOME Kenna!!! I loved it!! Thank you.

  10. Beautiful McKenna.This is inspiring we all do get caught up in what we haven't and need to to. We just need to slow down our lives a bit and concentrate and think more about Him.
